Australia Collection
Listed here are a just a few of the more interesting meteorite
specimens held in the collection. Each photo below can be
clicked to enlarge it in a new window, while holding the mouse
over an image will give the specimen's details. An Information Icon
( )
following a meteorite name may be clicked to obtain further
information and/or photos for that particular specimen. Thanks
for looking!

Imilac (Pallasite) |

Brenham (Pallasite)

Esquel (Pallasite) |

Glorieta Mountain (Pallasite)

Al Mahbas (Pallasite)

Seymchan (Pallasite)

Seymchan (Pallasite)

Molong (Pallasite) |

Somervell County (Pallasite) |

Pallasovka (Pallasite)

Estherville (Mesosiderite) |

Mount Padbury (Mesosiderite) |

NWA 1882 (Mesosiderite)

NWA 1879 (Mesosiderite) |

NWA 1827 (Mesosiderite) |

Clover Springs (Mesosiderite) |

Vaca Muerta (Mesosiderite) |

NWA 2711 (Mesosiderite)

NWA 1827 (Mesosiderite)