Meteorites Australia Collection
Listed here are a just a few of the more interesting meteorite
specimens held in the collection. Each photo below can be
clicked to enlarge it in a new window, while holding the mouse
over an image will give the specimen's details. An
Information Icon
( )
following a meteorite name may be clicked to obtain further
information and/or photos for that particular specimen. Thanks
for looking!
Quick Links

(Acapulcoite) |

D'Orbigny (Angrite)

NWA 2999 (Angrite)

Aubres (Aubrite)

Cumberland Falls

Khor Temiki (Aubrite) |

NWA 2286 (Olivine Diogenite) |

NWA 5480 (Olivine Diogenite) |

Bilanga (Diogenite) |

Dho 700 (Diogenite)

NWA 3143 (Diogenite) |

Tatahouine (Diogenite)

Tatahouine (Diogenite)

Agoult (Eucrite) |

Dhofar 275
(Eucrite) |


NWA 769 (Eucrite) |

NWA 999 (Eucrite)

NWA 1647 (Eucrite) |

NWA 1777 (Eucrite) |

NWA 1836 (Eucrite)

NWA 2482 (Eucrite) |

NWA 3142 (Eucrite) |

NWA 3147 (Eucrite)

NWA 3159 (Eucrite)

Smara (Eucrite) |

NWA 1281 (Howardite)

NWA 1281 (Howardite)

NWA 2794 (Howardite) |

NWA 4934 (Howardite)

NWA 5987 (Howardite) |

Lodran (Lodranite)

DAG 1037 (Shergottite)

NWA 4925 (Shergottite) |

NWA 5219 (Shergottite) |

Novo-Urei (Ureilite) |

NWA 1241 (Ureilite) |

NWA 2624 (Ureilite)

NWA 2634 (Ureilite) |

NWA 2703 (Ureilite) |

NWA 2705 (Ureilite)

NWA 3140 (Ureilite) |

Shişr 007 (Ureilite)

NWA 5391 (Ureilite) |

Winona (Winonaite)

6187 (Winonaite) |

Ibitira (Anomalous)

NWA 2835 (Metachondrite) |

NWA 3133 (Metachondrite) |

NWA 3145 (Ungrouped) |