Meteorites Australia Collection
Listed here are a just a few of the more interesting meteorite
specimens held in the collection. Each photo below can be
clicked to enlarge it in a new window, while holding the mouse
over an image will give the specimen's details. An Information Icon
( )
following a meteorite name may be clicked to obtain further information and/or photos for that particular specimen. Thanks for looking!
Quick Links

Dhofar 207 (H3.4-3.5) |

NWA 2738 (H3.5) |

NWA 1289 (H3.8) |

NWA 1709
(H3.8) |

NWA 3346 (H3-5) |

Oum Dreyga/Amgala (H3-5)

Oum Dreyga/Amgala (H3-5)

009 (H3-6) |

(H3-6) |

Buzzard Coulee

Dimboola (H4)

Kesen (H4) |

Markovka (H4) |

NWA 5393 (H4) |

NWA 5796 (H4) |

Sahara 03501 / Igaren




Bassikounou (H5)

Chergach (H5)

Cook 001
(H5) |
 Gao-Guenie (H5)
 Gao-Guenie (H5)


Juancheng (H5)

NWA 2117
(H5) |

Pigick (H5)

Nuevo Mercurio (H5) |

Pultusk (H5)

Tamdakht (H5) |

NWA 1252 (H5-6) |

(H6) |

NWA 802 (H6)

NWA 1287

NWA 3045
(H6) |

NWA 6003
(H6) |

Portales Valley (H6) |

Portales Valley (H6) |

Portales Valley (H6) |
 Spade (H6-IMB) |

(H6) |

NWA 2490 (H/L3)

NWA 2892 (H/L3)

NWA 2892 (H/L3)

NWA 1955 (H/L3-4) |

NWA 5554 (H/L3-6)

NWA 4726 (H/L5) |

JaH 026
(L3.1) |

JaH 026

NWA 2118 (L3.1) |

NWA 4438 (L3.1) |

NWA 5507 (L3.2)

NWA 5507 (L3.2)

NWA 5507 (L3.2)

Dhofar 008 (L3.3)

Dho 008 (L3.2-3.3)

NWA 864 (L3.3) |

NWA 2933 (L3.3)

NWA 2667 (L3.4) |

NWA 2120 (L3.5) |
 Dhofar 206 (L3.7) |

Barratta (L3.8) |

Moorabie (L3.8) |

NWA 2385 (L3.8)

NWA 2704 (L3.8)

NWA 3169
(L3.9) |

NWA 2288 (L3) |

NWA 4040 (L3)

NWA 5477 (L3)

NWA 5667 (L3) |

NWA 5679 (L3) |

NWA 5701 (L3) |

NWA 1266 (L3-6) |

NWA 6088 (L3-6) |

Kendleton (L4)

NWA 869 (L4-6)

Ghubara (L5)

(L5) |

NWA 904
(L5) |

NWA 1243 (L5) |

NWA 2922 (L5-SMB) |

Park Forest

Park Forest

Ash Creek (L6) |

Forrest 002 (L6) |
 Kulnine (L6) |

NWA 785
(L6) |

NWA 788
(L6) |

NWA 803

NWA 916
(L6) |

NWA 4727
(L6) |

Sahara 99636 (L6)


(L6) |

Seagraves (c) (L6-7)

NWA 1839 (L7) |

NWA 722/El Kachla (L-IMB)

NWA 3094 (L-IMB) |

NWA 3099 (L/LL3)

Inman (L/LL3.2) |
 SaU 089 (L/LL3.6-3.7) |

Knyahinya (L/LL5)

Sahara 97006
(L/LL5-6) |

NWA 5206 (LL3.05)

NWA 5206 (LL3.05)

NWA 1756 (LL3.10) |

NWA 3127 (LL3.1) |

NWA 4560 (LL3.1)

NWA 4560 (LL3.1)

NWA 5731 (LL3.2) |

NWA 2398 (LL3.5) |

NWA 4522 (LL3.5)

NWA 4522 (LL3.5)

Sahara 98175 (LL3.5) |

NWA 1096
(LL3.6) |

Parnallee (LL3.6)

NWA 2520 (LL3.7) |

NWA 3110 (LL3.7) |

NWA 3161 (LL3.7)

Richfield (LL3.7)

Talbachat n'aït Isfoul (LL3.7) |

NWA 3128 (LL3.8)

DAG 180
(LL3.9) |

NWA 1933 (LL3)

NWA 1933 (LL3)

NWA 3111 (LL3) |

NWA 3112 (LL3) |

NWA 5931
(LL3-6) |

NWA 5931
(LL3-6) |

NWA 965 (LL4)

NWA 2384 (LL4) |

NWA 2395 (LL4) |

NWA 2622 (LL4)

NWA 2917 (LL4-SMB) |

NWA 3119 (LL4)

NWA 1881

NWA 5678
(LL4-6) |

NWA 1584
(LL5) |

NWA 1794
(LL5) |

(LL5) |

Bensour (LL6)

Bensour (LL6)

Bensour (LL6)

Ensisheim (LL6)

Kilabo (LL6)

Kilabo (LL6)

Lake Labyrinth (LL6) |

(LL6) |

NWA 815
(LL6) |

Dho 011 (LL7)

NWA 969 (LL7) |