Australia Collection
Listed here are a just a few of the more interesting meteorite
specimens held in the collection. Each photo below can be
clicked to enlarge it in a new window, while holding the mouse
over an image will give the specimen's details. An Information Icon
( )
following a meteorite name may be clicked to obtain further
information and/or photos for that particular specimen. Thanks
for looking!
Australian Meteorites

Maralinga (CK4)

Watson (IIE) |

Youndegin (IAB)

Pigick (H5)

Haig (IIIAB) |

Dimboola (H4)


(L6) |

Molong (Pallasite) |

Veevers (IIB) |

Yilmia (EL6) |

Unclassified Australian Iron

Mount Padbury (Mesosiderite) |

Moorabie (L3.8) |

Lake Labyrinth (LL6) |
 Kulnine (L6) |

Cook 001
(H5) |

Boxhole (IIIA) |

Forrest 002 (L6) |

Henbury (IIIAB)

Mundrabilla (IAB)

Corowa (IIF)

Henbury (IIIAB)