Bleached Chondrules
Bleached Chondrules are radial pyroxene and
cryptocrystalline chondrules that are the result of low-temperature
alteration by aqueous fluids flowing through fine-grained
chondrite matrix prior to or during thermal metamorphism.
The bleached zones usually occur in the outer 100μm of a
chondrule and encircle the darker unbleached core. The obvious
optical difference between the dark cores and the outer white
bleached zone is a consequence of the aqueous fluid interacting
with the outer part of the chondrule. This interaction resulted
in much of the chondrules' outer mesostasis (interstitial glass
between the larger mineral grains) dissolving and being
partially replaced by other minerals. Calcium rich zones also
formed in these areas.
This is much of the reason the bleached
zone is rather porous and highlights the difference in colour.
The bleached zone is usually a white to light grey colour but
can also be brown/yellow/orange due to terrestrial staining. There is an example
of this in the NWA 1289 slice below where there is an
orange/brown rimmed bleached chondrule in the top left corner.
There is a very informative and comprehensive abstract available
for download below which gives a complete overview of Bleached
Chondrules. The information used here is a very brief and basic
overview sourced from this thorough study. The images below may
be clicked to enlarge in a pop-up window.

Bleached Chondrules:
Evidence for widespread aqueous
processes on the parent asteroids of ordinary chondrites.
(Grossman, Alexander, Wang & Brearley) (4.60MB)
NWA 3119 (LL4)
NWA 2288 (L3) |
NWA 1289 (H3.8) |
NWA 3112 (LL3) |
NWA 2490 (H/L3)
NWA 2892 (H/L3)
Parnallee (LL3.6)
NWA 2398 (LL3.5) |
NWA 3128 (LL3.8) |
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