Meteor / Meteorite Films, Videos, Movies
Meteorites Australia is one of the world's most comprehensive
internet sources for meteorite information, photographs and now
also films. On this page you will find a variety of meteor /
fireball videos from around the world. Some of these have even
had meteorites recovered from them such as Peekskill, Park
Forest, Villalbeto de la Peņa, Ash Creek and Buzzard Coulee. The icon for each movie can be clicked or alternatively
you can right-click an icon and select "Save Target As". The
known information for each meteor is included below.

CNN Video - (.mp4)
6.52 MB |

Ch. 27 Story (.flv) - 9.94 MB |

Ch. 27 Story (.wmv) - 10.9 MB |
Two news stories with a compilation of various videos of the huge meteor seen
across the Wisconsin area on April 14th, 2010. |

4.29 MB |
Video from a local news crew in Austin, Texas on February 15th
2009 with a story covering a marathon. The cameraman accidently
caught the meteor on film which also resulted in the recovery of
the Ash Creek (L6) meteorite. |

586 KB |
Video from a police dash cam of a spectacular fireball over
Edmonton, Canada which resulted in the
Buzzard Coulee (H4)
meteorite fall. Filmed on November 20th, 2008. |

1.21 MB |
Video of a Scandinavian meteor taken from Sweden on January
17th, 2009. |

2.52 MB |

527 KB |
Huge fireball recorded on December 1st, 2005 over the SW of Western Australia.

Villalbeto de la Peņa (L6) meteorite fall. Spain - January 4th, 2004. (537

A very large meteor filmed over Magadan, Russia on the July 16th, 2000. (2.83 MB)

Meteor over El Paso, Texas, U.S.A. - October 3rd, 1996.
(701 KB)
Sikhote-Alin Documentary (18 minutes).
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