NWA 1881 - 1.50g Complete
Slice with Patch of Thick
Fusion Crust
The meteorite, NWA 1881 was found in the Sahara Desert in North
West Africa during 2002. It has been classified as a rare LL4-6
chondrite with a shock rating of 2-3 and a weathering level of
only 1. There is a Total Known Weight of only 9.80g of which
1.50g is shown below. Note the large patch of fusion crust at
the top which has most likely not ablated during the meteors
descent through the atmosphere. This is probably because the
shape and orientation of the meteor during flight did not allow
it to melt away. In this patch under high magnification there are extremely
tiny grains of metallic iron which are arranged in small
rivulets and probably formed from the eddying aerodynamic forces
acting on the stone. This specimen is part of the Meteorites
Australia Collection.
NWA 1881 (LL4-6) 1.50g Complete Slice (Front View)
NWA 1881 (LL4-6) 1.50g Complete Slice (Back View)
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