NWA 1827 (Mesosiderite) - 13.78g Endcut with Crystal Inclusions
NWA 1827 was
originally purchased in Rissani, Morocco as a single stone
weighing 877g during June 2003. This meteorite was initially
thought to resemble a "Metal Rich Diogenite" but once other
comparative studies were done with NWA 1879, it was actually
classified as a Mesosiderite; specifically the 2C subgroup. Several NWA Mesosiderites have
now been found and classified under different numbers but they
are mostly thought to belong to the same large
heterogeneous Mesosiderite with a Total Known Weight exceeding
22kg. NWA Mesosiderites belonging to the 2C subgroup include:
NWA 1827, NWA 1879, NWA 1882, NWA 1912, NWA 1951, NWA 1982, NWA
3055 and probably NWA 1645. There is an interesting extract
which has been written about NWA Mesosiderites and is available
below as a PDF file.
The mineralogy of this Mesosiderite is of a
mostly medium-grained Igneous texture with some large mineral
clasts of Orthopyroxene and Plagioclase which are commonly
surrounded by metal-rich areas. This can be seen below where the
beautiful green/yellow Orthopyroxene crystals are surrounded by
brilliant metallic Iron/Nickel. Some pieces of this meteorite
also have Eucrite and Diogenite clasts. This specimen is part of the Meteorites Australia Collection

Two Large Moroccan Mesosiderites
(92 KB)
NWA 1827 (Mesosiderite) - 13.78g Endcut. (MA.05.0068)
(Click image to
enlarge in new window.)
NWA 1827 (Mesosiderite) - 13.78g Endcut. (MA.05.0068)
(Click image to
enlarge in new window.)
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