026 - L3.1 Chondrite with great chondrules.
This is a specimen of the meteorite JaH 026 (Jiddat al Harrasis
026) which has been classified as a very rare L3.1 chondrite. It
is full of really small crisp chondrules as can been seen in the
photo below.
The official total known weight of this meteorite is 565g
divided between 17 stones however another 1kg stone has
since been found. The meteorite has a weathering level of 3 and
shock level of 3 also. The only other L3.1 chondrite is a 46.08g
stone found in Antarctica during 1979 (Yamato 790787). This
specimen is part of the Meteorites Australia Collection.

JaH 026 (L3.1) - 4.10g Endcut
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