Sikhote-Alin - 32.8g & 11.9g Oriented Individuals
with a Surface 'Impact Pit/Crater'
is a specimen from the famous Sikhote-Alin fall. In View 1 & 2 you
can clearly see what looks like an 'Impact Pit/Crater' which
measures 12mm x 11mm in diameter. This feature has formed at
some stage during passage through Earths atmosphere as there is
fusion crust inside. You can clearly see how the metal has been
rolled over by an intense force. This meteorite also shows clear
signs of orientation with a heavy roll-over lip on the flat
section in View 3 and a small lip also at the end of the point.
The second specimen is an
11.9g highly oriented meteorite.
The leading side is relatively rounded and flat (View 4) while
the trailing side is jagged and highly irregular. Around the
edge of the meteorite are some flow lines also indicating
directional orientation. It is on the rear that the small impact
crater is found measuring 12mm x 10mm in diameter. It is not
quite as smoothly formed as the 32.8g piece with the bottom of
the pit being a little rougher and coarse.
There are a number of different theories on how these features
were formed of which some are presented in the abstract below.
However, from looking at these two specimens it could be
plausible to consider that when the Sikhote-Alin meteor exploded
in the atmosphere it sprayed small fragments of iron at high
velocity in every direction.
These fragments would have been travelling like a bullet and any
pieces in front of this main bolide directly in the path may
have been hit.
So if these small oriented meteorites were
stabilised in this position it is possible that the rear
trailing edges were hit by these high speed projectiles forming
the impact pit/craters. This theory may also explain the
presence of fusion crust within the pits as the pieces
potentially had enough time to re-fuse after the projectile
impact. This may also explain the lack of pits on more ablated
surfaces such as the leading sides. If these pieces were hit when stationary on the ground,
one might expect to see a lack of fusion crust in these pits.
Also, pieces small enough to create a crater in another specimen
would doubtfully have retained the necessary velocity by the
time it reached the ground. Both of these specimens are part of the Meteorites Australia
Update (March 2007): A reader of this page was very kind
and sent me through a couple of photographs of damage caused to
a World War II gun on Corregidor Island in the Philippines. The photos
showing the damage are at the bottom of this page and bare a
striking similarity to the impact pits found on some of the
Sikhote-Alin specimens.
MAPS Supplement -
The extract below explains one
theory behind the formation of the 'impact pit/crater'
feature. The full extract is available for download below.

Small Impact Craters On Sikhote-Alin Iron Meteorite Surfaces
MAPS 33-4, Supplement, 1998, p. A101:
Impact-produced surface craters on Sikhote-Alin irons
McHone1 and M. Killgore2
of Geology, Arizona State University, Tempe AZ 85287-1404, USA
Meteorite Laboratory, P.O. Box 95, Payson AZ 85547, USA.
Recent collecting expeditions into the Sikhote-Alin strewnfield
have produced several individual and fragmented irons decorated
with round-floored circular depressions surrounded by
high-relief rims. Previous reports attribute most delicate
surface features to aerodynamic sculpturing, effervescence of
volatile components, or plucking of xenoliths. We interpret some
of these features as impact craters sustained during the final
moments of a specimen in flight.
On the morning of February 12, 1947, a brilliant fireball
appeared in the clear sky over the Sikhote-Alin Mountains of
eastern Siberia and, in less than 10 s, more than 50 tons of Fe
meteorites slammed into uninhabited, snow-covered taiga forest.
Formal expeditions began arriving almost
immediately so that, over the next several years, more than 100
impact pits and craters had been charted, more than 30 tons of
pristine irons had been collected, and a uniquely preserved,
bountiful collection of cosmic material had become accessible
for systematic scientific scrutiny [1,2].
Breakup and Fusion:
The original Sikhote-Alin lron bolide, a coarsest octahedrite,
began fragmenting high within the atmosphere along weaker
internal planes defined by crystal boundaries. Recovered
specimens occur mostly in three distinct geomorphic forms:
(1) larger masses bounded by recognizable
geometric planes and usually with defined regmaglypts; (2)
twisted and jagged, shrapnel-like fragments with occasional
regmaglypts or partial fusion crusts; and most commonly,
(3) small, irregularly shaped individuals
completely sheathed in a distinct high-gloss metallic fusion
Fusion crusts on all geomorphic forms commonly
are decorated with delicately sculptured patterns, which include
swirls of grooves and ridges, adhered or "spattered" metal
beads, patches of scoriaceous froth and bubbles, and occasional
pits or shallow holes with angular walls. A thick ground cover
of snow, estimated to be at least 60 cm deep during the impact
event, has been credited with cushioning the impact landing of
smaller pieces and preserving their delicate surfaces. Most of
these features are readily attributed to processes accompanying
high-velocity atmospheric flow, including erosion of weaker
components, frictional heat, volatilization, and plucking of
single crystals.
Impact Craters:
During an examination of newly available, small (about 100 g)
individual and fragmented Sikhote-Alin irons we have observed an
unreported type of surface morphologic feature. Solitary,
round-floored circular depressions 1-8 mm in diameter and ringed
by high-relief rims occur on fusion-crusted individuals and on
at least one shrapnel fragment. We interpret these features as
impact craters resulting from high-velocity collisions between
meteoritic particles during the latest stages of atmospheric
flight. Although crater-like bubbles might develop within a
fusion crust, during skin heating by atmospheric friction,
craters emplaced on fusion-free shrapnel fragments had to have
formed later, after atmospheric penetration had already
violently disrupted a larger body. Local conditions during the
Sikhote-Alin event included thousands of Fe projectiles
infalling into an environment already populated with high-speed
Fe and rock ejecta fragments from craters still being formed on
the ground.
[1] Krinov E.L. (1966) Giant Meteorites (Pergamon
Press, 397 pp.).
[2] Krinov E.L. (1960) Principles of Meteorites (Pergamon
Press, 535 pp.).
Sikhote-Alin (IIB) - 32.8g Oriented Individual with Surface
'Impact Pit/Crater'. (View 1)
Sikhote-Alin (IIB) - 32.8g Oriented Individual with Surface
'Impact Pit'. (View 2)
Sikhote-Alin (IIB) - 32.8g Oriented Individual with roll-over lip.
(View 3)
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Sikhote-Alin (IIB) - 11.9g Oriented Individual with Surface
'Impact Pit/Crater'. (View 1)
Sikhote-Alin (IIB) - 11.9g Oriented Individual with Surface
'Impact Pit/Crater'. (View 2)
Sikhote-Alin (IIB) - 11.9g Oriented Individual. (View 3)
Sikhote-Alin (IIB) - 11.9g Oriented Individual. (View 4)
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Damaged Guns on
Corregidor Island, Philippines.
WW2 gun is located on Corregidor Island, Philippines which
guarded Manila Bay. A large bomb exploded right next to it which
is evidenced by the crater in the foreground. The exploding bomb
and resulting high-speed shrapnel had enough force to create
impact pits in the surface of the gun. While the gun has since
been repainted and there has likely been some corrosion over the
past several decades, the similarity of the impact pits is
unmistakable and further highlights the energy of the
Sikhote-Alin bolide. Thanks to Aubrey Whymark for these images.
(©2007 Aubrey

Island World War II gun
with bomb crater in foreground. (Click
image to enlarge in separate window.)

Island World War II gun
showing impact pits caused by exploding bomb.
(Click image to enlarge in separate window.)
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