The Winona meteorite was discovered at Elden pueblo, Coconino
County, Arizona, USA in September, 1928. Elden pueblo is the
site of an established prehistoric Native American village. It
is thought to have been constructed and used by the Sinagua
(See-nah-wa) culture around A.D. 1150-1275. The ruins consist of
more than 60 rooms with the Winona meteorite actually being
discovered in a stone cist in the floor of one of these rooms.
On unearthing, the specimen crumbled into fragments with a Total
Known Weight of 24kg. Winona has been classified as a Primitive
Achondrite and is the Type Specimen or ‘name-sake’ for the
Achondritic Winonaite group. What has also proved interesting is
that Winonaites are similar in composition to the silicate
inclusions in IAB iron meteorites. The specimen pictured below
is a 0.77g Partslice and is part of the Meteorites Australia
Winona (Winonaite) - 0.77g Partslice.

Elden pueblo Stone Cist.

Elden pueblo Stone Cist. (Inside)
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