NWA 4438 was discovered in the Sahara Desert
during February 2006 in the form of many small stones totalling
just 390g. The stones were classified as a rare primitive
chondrite, L3.1 with a Shock Rating of S2 and a Weathering Level
of W2. There are numerous features throughout NWA 4438 such as a
large array of varying chondrules of different shapes and
colours. The specimen below also has a couple of pockets of what
may different primitive material. These are near center and at
the center right and appear as very small closely knit
chondrules set in a virtually featureless black matrix. Similar
features are present in other primitive chondrites such as
NWA 4560,
NWA 2933,
NWA 3128,
NWA 2490 and
NWA 3119. This specimen is part of the Meteorites Australia Collection
NWA 4438 (L3.1) - 5.2g Endcut.
Enlargement --->
1500 x 1003 (446KB)
NWA 4438 (L3.1) - 5.2g Endcut.
Enlargement --->
1500 x 1028 (317KB)