NWA 1933
NWA 1933 would have to be one of the most
striking meteorites to come out of the Saharan
deserts in recent times. That's quite an achievement considering the
many other amazing meteorites to have been discovered. NWA 1933
was purchased in Mhamid, Morocco by Mike Farmer during March,
2003 in the form of six stones with a total combined weight of
just 1018g. They were classified as a rare LL3 Chondrite with a
Shock Rating of 2 and Weathering Level of 3. It is full of
multi-coloured chondrules of varying size which are superbly highlighted
by the rich black matrix sandwiched in-between. There is also
heavy and prolific troilite armouring of chondrules. Troilite is
also present as blobs/inclusions along with an occasional
inclusion of what looks suspiciously like graphite. These
specimens are part of the Meteorites Australia Collection.
NWA 1933 (LL3) - 34.14g Half Individual. (MA.04.0125)
NWA 1933 (LL3) - 34.14g Half Individual. (MA.04.0125)
NWA 1933 (LL3) - 34.14g Half Individual. (MA.04.0125)
NWA 1933 (LL3) - 7.60g Complete Slice. (MA.04.0005)
NWA 1933 (LL3) - 7.60g Complete Slice. (MA.04.0005)
NWA 1933 (LL3) - 1.87g Complete Slice. (MA.03.0105)
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