Ghubara meteorite was first discovered during 1954 in
the Jiddat al Harasis region of Oman. While there was an initial
mass of 254kg collected in the 1950's, the current Total Known
Weight now stands at an estimated 500+kg. The crust of the
Ghubara meteorites are relatively weathered however the stones
are internally quite fresh. Once sliced they display their
beautiful characteristic black matrix with bright metal flakes
and white chondrules and clasts. Ghubara has been classified as
an Ordinary Chondrite, L5 (Xenolithic). The xenolithic
clasts/inclusions are evident throughout the matrix as the
larger white 'milky' areas. These features are un-related to the
host matrix and were in fact formed before the overall Ghubara
meteoritic masses themselves formed. This slice is part of the
Meteorites Australia Collection.

Ghubara (L5) - 339.60g Complete Slice.
(Click Image To Enlarge)

Ghubara (L5) - 339.60g Complete Slice.
(Click Image To Enlarge)
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