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Northwest Africa 4934 (NWA 4934)

NWA 4934 was discovered in the Sahara Desert during 2007 as a small single stone weighing just 307g. This beautiful fresh meteorite was classified as a brecciated Howardite with very minimal internal weathering. NWA 4934 is composed of a pale light-grey chalky matrix with numerous light and dark coloured clasts mostly around 1-5mm across. The classification also makes mention of yellow-green clasts of Diogenite material (orthopyroxene) measuring up to 14mm across. In fact this particular feature is present in the specimen below with a stunning crystal measuring 14.7mm across. This specimen is part of the Meteorites Australia Collection (MA.08.0008).

NWA 4934 (Howardite) 9.6g Complete Slice.
NWA 4934 (Howardite) - 9.6g Complete Slice.
Enlargement ---> 1500 x 1077 (715KB)

NWA 4934 (Howardite) 9.6g Complete Slice.
NWA 4934 (Howardite) - 9.6g Complete Slice.
Enlargement ---> 1500 x 1174 (716KB)

NWA 4934 (Howardite) 9.6g Complete Slice.
NWA 4934 (Howardite) - 9.6g Complete Slice.
Enlargement ---> 1500 x 1002 (590KB)



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