The Pigick meteorite was discovered during 1994 while a farmer
was ploughing one of his wheat fields located about 12km West of
in Rainbow, Victoria, Australia. Ten specimens were discovered
but by chance alone they were not all from the same fall! Two
stones weighing 1132g and 421g were found to be paired and a
rare CO3 (probably CO3.2) Carbonaceous Chondrite (Rainbow). The
other eight were found to be an H5 Ordinary Chondrite with a
Weathering Level of 2 and a Shock Rating of 3. The Total Known
Weight of the eight Pigick meteorites is 693g with individual
masses weighing 169g, 156g, 110g, 103g, 63g, 58g, 26.4g and
7.6g. The specimen below is the listed 58g specimen which has
had a small window sliced to view the interior and is still
virtually in 'as found' condition.
This specimen is a 56.8g Individual of Pigick and is part of the Meteorites Australia Collection
Pigick (H5) - 56.8g Individual. (MA.05.0007)
Pigick (H5) - 56.8g Individual. (MA.05.0007)
Pigick (H5) - 56.8g Individual. (MA.05.0007)
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