NWA 1287
The meteorite, NWA 1287 was found in North West Africa in 2001.
While it looks deceivingly like a low petrologic grade meteorite
(i.e. H3 or H4) it has in fact been classified as an H6 by both,
UCLA and NAU. It also has been given a weathering level of 2 and
a very high shock rating of 4. This is evident under close
magnification of some pieces where it has actually undergone
melting (IMB) through the extreme shock. The meteorite also has a very
attractive black fusion crust, extremely high metal content and
some gorgeous crisp brightly coloured chondrules. However there
is only a tiny Total Known Weight of just 70g of which around
70% is
displayed below. These specimens are part of the Meteorites
Australia Collection.

NWA 1287
(H6) - 7.30g Complete Slice.

NWA 1287
(H6) - 11.60g Complete Slice.

NWA 1287
(H6) - 12.90g Endcut.

NWA 1287
(H6) - 5.00g Complete Slice.

NWA 1287
(H6) - 11.40g Complete Slice.
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