Northwest Africa 5237 (NWA 5237)
NWA 5237 was discovered in the Sahara Desert
during 2008 and has been classified as a rare carbonaceous
chondrite; CK5 with a Weathering Level of W0/1 (unweathered).
NWA 5237 was found as a single stone weighing just 99.4g with
fresh black fusion crust. There is very little weathering
present in the cut sample. This 4.7g complete slice is part of the Meteorites Australia Collection
NWA 5237 (CK5) - 4.7g Complete Slice. Enlargement --->
1500 x 1378 (807KB)
NWA 5237 (CK5) - 4.7g Complete Slice. Enlargement --->
1500 x 1389 (828KB)
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