Northwest Africa 3161 (NWA 3161)
NWA 3161 was discovered in the Sahara Desert
in Northwest Africa in August, 2005. A total of 14 stones were
found with a Total Known Weight of 2648g. Many of the
individuals have relatively fresh fusion crust still present.
NWA 3161 has been classified as an LL3.7 and displays a rich
colourful interior with wall-to-wall chondrules. There is a
little heterogeneity between the stones of this find. Some
slices have just the chondrules while others have what looks
like a different lithology. A few even have black inclusions
such as the slice below. These appear to be most likely of a
shock-darkened origin. This specimen is part
of the Meteorites Australia Collection (MA.07.0048).
NWA 3161 (LL3.7) 11.2g Complete Slice.
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1200 x 1120 (523KB)
NWA 3161 (LL3.7) 11.2g Complete Slice.
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1200 x 1124 (558KB)
NWA 3161 (LL3.7) 11.2g Complete Slice showing Blackened
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1200 x 970 (346KB)
NWA 3161 (LL3.7) 11.2g Complete Slice. Large chondrule
surrounded by smaller ones.
Enlargement --->
1200 x 1120 (417KB)
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