NWA 5477 was discovered in the Sahara Desert
during 2008 and has a Total Known Weight of 1960g in the form of
two stones. This meteorite was classified as an L3 chondrite
with a Shock Rating of S4 and a low Weathering Level of W1.
This meteorite displays a stunning interior
of crisp, fresh, multi-coloured chondrules ranging in size and
type. This slice also has an obvious inclusion in the centre
which is grey in colour and is devoid of chondrules and quite
featureless. The only noticeable highlight is a few darker
grains inside but this inclusion is also accentuated by a solid
black border. This specimen is part of the Meteorites Australia Collection
NWA 5477 (L3) 12.824g Complete Slice. (Polished Side)
Enlargement --->
1500 x 987 (400KB)
NWA 5477 (L3) 12.824g Complete Slice. (Unpolished Side)
Enlargement --->
1500 x 1008 (417KB)

NWA 5477 (L3) 12.824g Complete Slice. (Close-up)