The Bensour meteorite fall occurred over the Algeria/Morocco
border on February 10th, 2002 at 4:00pm. Bensour has been
classified as a very fine grained monomict breccia LL6 with a
Shock Level of 4 and a Weathering Level of 0. Have you ever
heard the saying; "Good things come in small packages"? Well
it's true for this fantastic little Bensour individual below. It
is a tiny 0.13g absolutely perfectly oriented nose-cone with
100% fresh fusion crust. You can just make out the little
roll-over lip which is at the trailing edge of the meteorite. It
may be small, but it's also perfect and is part of the
Meteorites Australia Collection.

Bensour -
0.13g Fully Oriented Nose-Cone Individual.
Bensour -
16.57g Individual.
Bensour - 27.77g Half Individual.
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