NWA 2711 / Northwest Africa 2711
NWA 2711 was discovered in the Sahara Desert, Northwest Africa
during 2004 in the form of a single completely crusted stone
weighing just 433g. It was classified as a Mesosiderite with a
Shock Rating of 1 and a very fresh Weathering Grade of just 1
NWA 2711 has been described as a unique Mesosiderite and the classification states that "the
specimen contains a relatively even distribution of metal and
silicates with coarse orthopyroxene grains with margins that are
recrystallized and contain numerous Merrillite inclusions. The
matrix is recrystallized." In the photographs below, there
are the above mentioned coarse-grained orthopyroxene
grains/crystals which are interstitial to the metal grains. This specimen is a 10.8g
fresh crusted partslice and is part of the
Meteorites Australia Collection (MA.05.0121).
NWA 2711 (Mesosiderite) - 10.8g Partslice - Front (MA.05.0121)
NWA 2711 (Mesosiderite) - 10.8g Partslice - Front (MA.05.0121)
NWA 2711 (Mesosiderite) - 10.8g Partslice - Back (MA.05.0121)
NWA 2711 (Mesosiderite) - 10.8g Partslice - Back (MA.05.0121)
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